19 March 2013

Spicy Thank You No. 2

I used the Penzey's "Singapore" spice mix two ways, both soups, one lentil and one squash. I liked both soups but wouldn't definitely buy the mix again.

Lentil Soup
1) broth
2) lentils
♣) Singapore seasoning: Tellicherry black pepper, lemon peel powder, citric acid, garlic, onion, turmeric, coriander, cumin, ginger, nutmeg, fennel, cinnamon, fenugreek, white pepper, cardamom, cloves, and cayenne red pepper

For (1) I used a beef soup bone, cooked it in well water for a few hours, then took out the marrow, meat, and connective tissues that fell off the bone. While I got the lentils started cooking in the broth I pureed the meat and fat with my wonderful immersion blender then added it all back into the soup.
   For (2) I used black lentils! I'd never used black lentils before. I soaked them for 24 hours, rinsed them, and then cooked them in the broth.

It was good. It is always good when you use sprouted lentils cooked in broth. I may have added onion, since I add onion to practically everything, and of course S 'n' P. The important thing, though, is the broth/stock. And the lentil-soaking. I would not make lentils without soaking them and cooking them in broth. Homemade stock IS SO GOOD.
   Our guests liked it a lot, too.

Nutter Soup
1) butternut squash
2) coconut milk
♣) Singapore seasoning: Tellicherry black pepper, lemon peel powder, citric acid, garlic, onion, turmeric, coriander, cumin, ginger, nutmeg, fennel, cinnamon, fenugreek, white pepper, cardamom, cloves, and cayenne red pepper

I call this nutter soup because it is so good it's crazy. And because it's butterNut and cocoNut — funny because it has neither butter, nor cocoa, nor nuts in it.
   I have never seen the idea to combine butternut and coconut. I don't know why!!? This should be a standard!
   The coconut milk we buy is full fat, so there's lots of cream clumped at the top of the can (and said can is BPA free). It doesn't have guar gum added: coconut only!
   Now I know what I can make for my vegan friends!

03 March 2013

Thank You Note, Installment #1

One Christmas gift from my parents last year was a gift certificate to Penzeys Spices. I recently made and received my order. I bought seven items. I'm going to make a blog post for each item after I use it. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Spice Item #1: "Sunny Paris"
♣ components: shallots, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, basil, tarragon, chervil, and bay leaf


I selected this one because I thought bJorn would 'specially like it. As it turns out, when I got the package, I arrayed the seven containers for him and asked him to vote on which to use first, and this tied for first.
   I love dill, chervil, shallots, and bay leaves. I was intrigued by the green peppercorns. Tarragon, basil, and chives are hit or miss for me.


I tried it with zucchini noodles and eggs. 
   I fashioned the noodles with our newest, fabulous kitchen toy. We've used it many times since acquiring it a month ago. It makes the best veggie noodles I've ever! had (including in restaurants). Yum.
   I seasoned the noodles and fried them in melted tiger. Then I took them out of the pan and pan-scrambled some eggs. Sunny Paris is green. This is the closest I've ever come to green eggs. 
   There was no ham.


Tasty! It's great with eggs and znoodles (say that—it's fun). It also goes a fairly long way: I'll get a few uses out of it. (I got the 1/4 cup jar.) Because of the delicacy of chervil, the rarity of green peppercorns, and the difficulty in drying shallots, it's easier to buy than to concoct at home. I'd buy it again!