24 February 2015

Gung Hay!

The Chinese New Year is absurdly significant to me. I love turning the leaf, reckoning a new year; and of feasts movable and immovable, I favor the movable. I used to live next to Seattle's “Chinatown”, the ID, and I have pungent memories of firecracker holiday hubbub. Dragons dancing. Street food, calling extra rats. I feel some sort of cosmic hum at the exchange of red envelopes around good ol' bloody ol' St Valentine's Day. January is mostly dead, but February starts to quicken. 

This is the time to live. Again.

Tons of Caucasians love to discuss their Chinese Zodiac signs while breaking fortune cookies. I can tell you the sign of most of my relations. There is soon to be one more.

Archer Dog
Scaley Ox
To Have
To Hold
Baby Sheep:

Announcing the Gestation of Crabby Lambykins
EDD 11 July 2015